Women & A Theology of Work
On this week’s episode of The About Her Podcast, I chatted with Courtney Moore. Courtney is the founder and president of Women & Work, an organization that exists to see women confidently step into their God-given calling and to view their work as meaningful to the kingdom of God.
In addition to serving as the President of Women & Work, Courtney is also a cohost of the Women & Work podcast. She holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Mobile and an M.A. in Biblical Counseling from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Her favorite passage of Scripture is Romans 11:36 which states, “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.”
Courtney is passionate about seeing Jesus Christ honored by women as they steward their gifts and leverage their unique potential for His glory. She has been married to her husband, Brent, for 15 years. They have 3 great kids and live in El Paso, TX where Brent pastors LIFEchurch.
Show Notes
Part One
In what ways has God uniquely prepared and equipped you to lead Women & Work?
Women & Work affirms the following in your statement of beliefs: “We believe men and women are absolutely equal in essence, dignity, and value but are distinct by divine design.” Can you explain briefly what you mean by this statement, and how this divine design relates to women and their work, both inside and outside of the home?
Is it true that biblical womanhood is limited only to work within the home?
Do the Scriptures speak about work, and if so, what are a few key passages we should consider?
What is the Creation Mandate?
Does the creation mandate apply to women today? How so?
The mission of Women & Work is that women would be equipped and encouraged, “To honor God, and to image him in the world, leveraging our potential for his glory.” What might this practically look like for women listening to this podcast episode? How can we, as women, bring glory to God through our work?
Part Two
What would you say to someone who might suggest that a woman’s work is only valuable if it is done outside of the home?
What would you say to someone who might suggest that a woman’s work is only valuable if it is done inside of the home?
In our society, the success and value of work is largely tied to our income or the amount of financial return we find. Where should believers look instead when considering the value of our work?
What is the balance between financial security and pursuing a job that maybe aligns with our gifting but does not provide as significant of an income?
The responsibilities of the home given specifically to women don’t go away when we pursue work outside of the home. Do you have any advice for someone who may be struggling to maintain both roles well?
Notable Quotations
“In culture we hear so much about the differences between men and women and we kind of major in on the distinctions, which is necessary, but there’s such a beauty in realizing that our brothers in the faith are, number one our brothers, but we are equal in value and worth and Adam says this from the very beginning.”
“There is no limit to how I can glorify God in the skills that He himself gave me. This is not something I am working up on my own, this is He put this in me and He wants me to turn it back around and use it for Him.”
“Women are called to work from the very beginning, right there in Genesis.”
“We don’t think about work existing in paradise, but it did.”
“God himself is a worker and now He is calling Adam and Eve to be workers as He is.”
“You don’t have to be married to fulfill the Great Commission or to do what God has called you to do.”
“All of these things, both sacred and secular, can be a part of what God is doing and building toward the end in the New Jerusalem.”
“There’s no way we are ever going to be all-knowing, there is no way we are ever going to be omnipresent, and these are the things that are considered incommunicable. But these other attributes of him (communicable) we get to share in. Through our work I think we can actually image Him and these attributes of Him.”
“What are some of the underlying features of what I am doing and what does this look like in terms of who he is? How can this point back to the character and some attribute of who God is?
“There is so much freedom in Christ for women to fulfill the purpose God has for them in either sphere – the home and the workplace.”
“There is no divide between sacred and secular. All work can be done to the glory of God both inside and outside of the home as long as it is done from a heart that is for Him.”
“There are several questions I would have women ask themselves. First, does this work contribute to the good of society? Does this work bring about good or promote human flourishing? Second, can I do this work from my heart in a way that my main motivation is as a servant of Jesus Christ? Third, am I stewarding the gifts He has given me well? Fourth, can I love God and love others through this work?”
“You may have to take ten jobs when you are just starting out that you don’t love or don’t feel are your sweet spot but it might just take a while for you to step into your calling. The fact that you are disciplined enough to show up to these jobs is going to build character in you.”
“He created 6 days of work and one day to rest. He is setting up for us the fact that we have boundaries and we have limits.”
“He is reminding us that only He is God and our weaknesses drive us to Him.”
“Our weaknesses, finiteness, and our to-do lists not being checked off cause us to say, ‘This is all yours anyway, God.’ I am going to be faithful and persevere in being faithful with a heart of thankfulness and rest in the fact that I am the Lord’s.”
“There is no amount of untidiness, or list unchecked, that is ever going to pull you from His hand.”
Recommended Resources
God at Work by Gene Edward Veith Jr.
The One Year Praying through the Bible for Your Kids by Nancy Guthrie
New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp
Scripture References
Old Testament
Genesis 1:26
Genesis 1:28
Genesis 2:18-20
Genesis 2:23
Proverbs 31
New Testament
Matthew 5:16
Romans 11:36
Galatians 3:28
Ephesians 5
Colossians 3:23-24
1 Peter 3:7
Revelation 21