What is Counseling Anyway? with Krissie Lain Garland
In addition to her role as a Momma of twins, Krissie is a Licensed Professional Counselor and an author. Because of her strong desire to help those who are hurting, Krissie completed a Masters in Marriage and Family Counseling through Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Her journey as a counselor shifted years later after the unexpected loss of her late husband, Eric. As Krissie will state several times in the episode, she knows what it is like to experience pain, but she also knows what it is like to fight towards healing.
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Show Notes
What is professional counseling? How would you describe it?
What is the goal or the point of counseling? Why pursue it?
How might counseling add to our lives or benefit our walk with Christ?
Do we see support for counseling in the Scriptures? If so, where?
Why are people so hesitant or nervous about pursuing counseling for themselves?
I would love to walk through a few common objections and hear how you might respond.
Counseling is a waste of time and won’t actually help me.
My counselor won’t understand what I am going through. How is he/she supposed to help me when I am the one dealing with _________?
Counseling is too hard or requires too much vulnerability.
What I’m working through is too big. I’m beyond help.
I’m too good for counseling or I don’t actually need help. I can figure this out on my own.
Counseling is expensive. I can’t afford it.
How do I find a counselor that I like and connect with well?
When should someone consider meeting with a counselor?
Is there a difference between meeting with a counselor and meeting with a mentor? At what point should someone consider taking a step beyond meeting with a mentor?
What does a counseling session really look like?
Are there benefits to meeting with a professional counselor once or twice, or on a less frequent basis? Would a counselor be open to this?
How important are things like diet, exercise, fellowship with community, sleep, etc? How much do these things affect our mental health?
How can women listening care for themselves well holistically, even if they are not regularly meeting with a counselor?
What should a woman do if she is meeting with a counselor, but she is not connecting with the counselor? Is there ever a point at which she should begin meeting with someone else?
What do we do when counseling is hard?
Notable Quotations
Recommended Resources
The Counsel of Heaven on Earth by Ian F. Jones
Gentle and Lowly by Dane C. Ortlund
Scripture References
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